Payments Option Unavailable

We've removed the ability to purchase appliances on our website temporarily as we perform essential maintenance to our payment systems. Please contact us if you have any queries.

Red (1)
St/Steel (19)
Black (7)
White (1)
54.5 (1)
54.8 (1)
55 (7)
56.7 (2)
56.9 (1)
60 (1)
56 (2)
59.4 (9)
59.5 (1)
60 (1)

About Built-In Double Ovens

Not only do built-in double ovens offer more space than a standard single oven, but also offer more flexibility in cooking due to having 2 different cooking zones available to choose and control separately.

They come as either a standard built-in (which can be fit in to a unit at eye level which makes them easier to operate as you don't need to bend down) or as a built-under (which is one that is built to fit under a worktop). Built-unders are great especially if you're short on space and can't fit a complete unit in your kitchen but are not as convenient as a standard built-in due to the oven always needing to be operated by kneeling down or bending over.