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About Electric Induction Range Cookers

Induction range cookers are ideal for those who require quick, efficient cooking without the inconvenience of installing a gas cooker. The induction hob uses electromagnetism to directly heat the pan, rather than the hob itself, transforming the pan into the heat source. In contrast gas hobs direct the heat onto one area of the pan, meaning food is not cooked as evenly, and requires more stirring to ensure that heat is distributed.
Safety is increased as the surface of the cook top is only heated through contact with the pan, therefore reducing the heat of the cooktop and the risk of burns. Additionally, the moment a pan is removed from the cooking surface the heat is turned off, allowing for the surface to cool quickly. Many of our induction range cookers come with helpful residual heat indictors which let you know when the surface is too hot to touch. One point to be aware of is that induction hobs can only be used with pans that have a cast iron or iron base.

Catalytic liners are a feature of many of our induction range cookers, these work by absorbing grease and spillages in the oven, making the oven much easier to clean. We also supply an induction range cooker with a pyrolytic program which at over 400 degree works by incinerating oven waste, and enabling you to quickly remove the ash after use.

The majority of our induction range cookers are multifunction, enabling flexibility in the kitchen. These multifunction ovens come with a large variety of programmes, such as a browning element to brown pasta dishes and sauces, a defrost setting which is really handy to defrost small items such a fish, meat or desserts and a base setting for crisping pizza or quiche bases.

With over twenty-one colours to choose from, as well as a variety of brands and styles, there is bound to be an induction range cooker to suit you, and with its safe design and clever technology, how could you resist?

Be sure to read our Essential Guide To Buying A Range Cooker before making your purchase.