Payments Option Unavailable

We've removed the ability to purchase appliances on our website temporarily as we perform essential maintenance to our payment systems. Please contact us if you have any queries.

St/Steel (22)
Black (18)
White (3)
A (16)
A+ (4)
A++ (3)
B (2)
G (2)

About Wine Coolers

Wine coolers are proving to be more popular with every passing year. They serve to be more than simply just a refrigeration unit to cool your wine to the optimal temperature (which it does fantastically by the way), but also they serve as a classy and impressive looking way to display and store your wine collection.

There's plenty of design and storage options to choose from (CDA's 30cm wide option is a popular choice with our customers) with selections to be made such as built-in/built-under/freestanding, appliance size, storage amount and energy efficiency rating.

With such a wide variety of choice, design and price your bound to be able to find a wine cooler that works perfectly in your kitchen.