Range cookers are much larger than a traditional cooker so provide more oven space and more hob burners than you would find on a standard cooker. They generally range between 90cm – 110cm but there are a few models available outside these ranges.

There are 4 main fuel types to choose from, which one you choose is mainly down to personal preference. The fuel types available are:

  • Dual Fuel: The most popular type of range cooker is dual fuel. What dual fuel means is that it comes with a gas hob and an electric oven. These are generally the 2 most popular fuel types for each appliance. An electric oven offers even heat to be spread around the oven cavity while a gas hob allows you the flexibility of cooking whatever dishes you want to perfection.

  • Electric Range Cooker with Ceramic Top: These are generally cheaper than other fuel types as they have an electric ceramic top. They provide all the benefits of an electric oven along with the aesthetically pleasing and easy to use and clean ceramic hob top.

  • Electric Induction: Complete with the most up to date fuel types available these cookers have an electric oven and an induction hob on the top. Induction tops are getting more popular with every passing day due to the speed at which you can cook food, the additional safety benefits of induction, the sleek aesthetics and the ease of which they are to clean. In addition to this you get an electric oven which makes for perfect even cooking across the whole cavity meaning you have a fully functional modern appliance.

  • Gas: Perfect for the purist who loves gas cooking as both the hob and the oven cavity come fuelled by gas. If your used to cooking with a gas hob and oven and love the results you get then this is the range cooker for you.

Be sure to read our Essential Guide To Buying A Range Cooker before making your purchase.