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About Island Hoods

Island hoods are a stylish, eye catching appliance. They work by removing steam, smoke and odours from the kitchen and also absorb and catch grease, which prevents it from building up on appliances and cabinets.

Island hoods are designed to work with island hobs, which are situated in the centre of the kitchen. These hoods are installed above the hob from the ceiling. Island hoods are a powerful type of extractor and so are efficient in removing steam, smoke and unwanted smells.

The hoods work best in larger kitchens with high ceilings, as they can occupy a fair amount of space. Island hoods can be more expensive than other standard hoods, but their style and unique design make them a popular choice.

We supply a variety of island hoods, with a number of interesting stand out designs, from the more traditional curved glass cooker hoods to cylinder and cube shaped extractors, which really make a statement in the kitchen. We also offer island hoods from a width of just 35cm up to a generous 150cm, as well as a variety of colours, so you are spoilt for choice. The majority of our island hoods offer the option of either ducting or recirculating, enabling you to opt for a filter or to duct outside at your own convenience.

Whichever, island hood you decide on you are guaranteed style and sophistication. Browse our range and find an island hood that is perfect for your kitchen.