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About Integrated Washing Machines

Integrated washing machines are ideal for those with a fitted kitchen, who wish to have easy access to the appliance without compromising on design. Integrated washing machines are installed within a cabinet with a door covering your appliance to match the décor of your kitchen or utility room. They are convenient for those who require a discrete appliance.

We provide a large range of integrated washing machines with a variety of features. Our machines range in capacity from 5kg for smaller households, up to 8kg which is perfect for a large family. Many of our machines come with clever features, such as a delay start, enabling you to select the most convenient time to begin the wash cycle, for example at night when electricity costs are lower. Another feature of many of our integrated washing machines is the variable spin option, enabling you to wash more delicate items on a lower spin. Hand wash programmes are a great feature on many of our machines, they are ideal for items prone to shrinking, taking the worry out of washing certain items or fabrics. A further convenient future of several of these machines is the water control system which detects floods, and can trigger the water inlet to close, which is perfect for peace of mind.

All our machines come with clear control panels and easy to turn dials, enabling you to select the correct wash settings for your machine with ease. They are also easy to access with the quick and convenient opening of a cabinet door. We offer a large range of choice with up to seventeen different brands.

So, if you are looking for a well-concealed efficient washing machine, choose from our range of integrated appliances with a large range of features and styles to suit your needs.