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About Induction Hobs

If you're looking for a speedy and safe method of cooking then induction hobs are ideal for you. They use the most recent technology to heat up cookware at a far quicker rate than gas and ceramic hobs. This technology enables heat to be generated into the pots and pans on the hob rather than the surface itself, increasing safety, and enabling the food to be cooked evenly. The moment the cookware is removed from the induction hob it begins to cool down rapidly, ideal for cooking with young children.

As well as providing fast cooking the hob is quick to clean, due to the surface not being heated. The flat cook top is perfect for wheel chair users as there is increased accessibility. This method of cooking requires cookware with a phosphorus base, so only certain pans can be used.

If you have been fitted with a cardiac pacemaker then please consult a doctor before using the hob as it may cause interference.

So, if you are looking for practical and efficient cooking, then look no further than the induction hob.

For a detailed buying guide please see our induction hobs buying guide for help on what to consider when buying an induction hob.

For installation help please see our induction hob installation guide.