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We've removed the ability to purchase appliances on our website temporarily as we perform essential maintenance to our payment systems. Please contact us if you have any queries.

55.4 (1)
56 (2)
59.4 (12)
59.5 (61)
59.6 (2)

About Built-In Single Ovens

A built-In single oven is great for when your don't have enough space for a double oven but still want a sleek looking oven that will fit in to your kitchen and also still be spacious to cook in.

There is a wide range available, from a more basic oven to one packed with additional extras (displays, timers, multiple cooking programmes and self cleaning options to name a few) so you can always be sure that you will get your moneys worth once you've decided on one.

Apart from the optional features as listed above, the only main concerns you will have when buying is to make sure that they fit in to the aperture which you have available and to be sure you choose the right fuel type for you (both gas and electric available).