Payments Option Unavailable

We've removed the ability to purchase appliances on our website temporarily as we perform essential maintenance to our payment systems. Please contact us if you have any queries.

1000 (4)
2500 (3)
2900 (10)
3400 (8)
800 (3)
900 (6)
No (7)
Yes (16)
45.3 (1)
59.4 (7)
59.5 (23)
59.6 (2)

About Built-In Microwaves

The built-in microwave often complements the hob or range cooker. Ideal for quickly heating a sauce or cooking fish to perfection, capacities range from 17 litres upwards with finishes in several colours and the usual stainless steel. Some models incorporate grilling elements and these are termed combination (combi). This feature allows you to brown (roast) food if necessary. A true built-in microwave will fill the cabinet space it is designed for, but some models require a building-in kit which adapts a freestanding unit for in-cabinet use. These models are usually of a smaller capacity.